Friday, March 9, 2007

The Ultimate Question?

23 June 2005

The Ultimate Question: "What's the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything?" No...

"What am I going to do tomorrow?" Not really an Ultimate Question there. Mundane more likely.

"Is he/she the one?" Well now, Arthur Dent's ultimate question. Not everyone's ultimate question but good enough for some people at a certain period. And the answer to that question?

Yes? No? Somehow I think the answer is, "He'll/She'll be as good as you let him/her be," or better yet, "He's/She's the best you'll ever come across, don't lose your chance."

For answer one: picture 'em perfect, then anything he/she does cannot be wrong or clumsy, would that lead you to worship 'em? Or have perfect expectations which will crush you when reality sets in? But I think that if you have harsh expectations of someone, then what're you doing asking such a question?

For answer two: more realistic and less romantic yes, after all, it doesn't really paint the ideal romantic picture like the movies. But you'll definitely have a gut feeling pounding this particular answer at you when it's in regards to your special someone. You'll know, you'll just know that if you let this chance by you'll regret it for the rest of your entire life, that when you find someone else you'll still have that pang of regret that you'd let the one pass, heck, you might even compare your current relationship with what might have been if you'd gotten the one. So you'd best find the guts to seize the opportunity. Carpe chance?

Gosh. And this coming from me, a surly Singleton.

To be honest, I live in fear when it comes to this particular issue. [A quick aside: I admit that this is one of the few things I fear. My other fear is boredom. I may be a boring person but if I myself do not feel bored then bugger the rest.] But my fear probably mirrors what others fear, mainly rejection from 'em, 'em getting hurt, or 'em finding someone else while I was wringing my hands screwing up the courage to say something pertinent to the issue of relationships of 'where we stand with each other'.

Heck, I know I don't live in a perfect world, my road is gonna be long and rocky. At times I want to just sleep through the days and die young but people'll just say, "Call that gratitude, is it? Given a good life and you just waste it?" But do you know how hard is it to think, "That's the one, but it's never gonna work." See, living in fear makes me pessimistic and cynical.

I know, for me, the Ultimate Answer is also not 42 <:)

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